Welcome to Cubby Care Nursery | Age 1

Below, are the 1-year old preschool skills that will be covered during the school year in preparation for the two-year-old class. These skills will be taught in developmental ways, and will be age appropriate. The listed skills are based on developmental lists that have been compiled, as well as an understanding of the child’s ability at age one. In most cases the student will go well beyond the listed skills and will not be limited to the listed items. In the event they exceed or have already mastered minimum listed skills, please look at the total experience your child receives as a result of imaginative play, creative art activities and interaction, classroom socialization ad participation. Spontaneous application of developmental skills will only come when the student has received a well-rounded experience and feels free to experiment with being creative.

Spiritual Development

Use an explanation of words intrinsic to Christianity and the church; references to God and Jesus in routine activities and events; learning songs and Bible verses/stories; Praying, including the Lord’s Prayer; Chapel, Bible stories, and discussion.

Fine Motor

12-18 months: Puts objects in and out of a container; engages in messy play such as finger painting; stacks two or more things; turns two or three pages in a book at a time; places up to six large round pegs into a peg board; uses a spoon to scoop.

18-24 months: Zips and unzips easy zippers; engages in the use of play dough, paint, crayons and paper; strings large beads on a pipe cleaner; builds a tower of four blocks or more; unwrap packages or peels a banana; enjoys and engages in water and sand play; turns pages in a book one page at a time; scribbles spontaneously.

Gross Motor

12-18 months: Walks alone; pushes wheeled toys; pulls toys behind him while walking; hands a toy to somebody; throw a ball; uses some gestures, such as waving; moves to music that is being played; plays simple musical instruments; rolls a ball; gets a ball that rolls out of his/her sight; rides a small riding toy without pedals; attempts to walk on a wide balance board; tries to balance on one foot; runs fast; tries to jump in place; climbs onto and down from furniture/equipment unsupported; understands a few words; plays simple pretend games; finds
objects even when hidden under two or three covers; matches same toys; enjoys doing the same thing over and over; shows one body part; tries to sing songs; points at or names familiar things; enjoys looking at books 18-24 months: Enjoys nursery rhymes, songs, and finger plays; points to up to five body parts; turns familiar pictures right side up; uses his or her own name; listens to a short story; says two-word sentences; recognizes self in a photograph; feels the differences in temperature, taste and smell.

Self-Help & Social Skills

12-18 months: Uses one-word sentences; helps dress and undress him/her self; uses some words correctly, such as “mama,” “oh oh,” or “no”; hugs and kisses people they like; recognizes him/her self in the mirror; drinks from cup; understands many words and simple directions; explores without putting things in his/her mouth.

18-24 months: Chews food well; feels frustrated easily; uses his or her own name; washes hands correctly with help (wets hands, turns water off, soaps hands, lathers for up to 20 secs, rinse, dry and throws towel away); uses words that tell what people or things do; uses words that tell about people and things; tries to comfort others; copies four words you say; sings some words to songs.