What is Different About CCA?
- HIgher test scores on the Iowa and the ACT? Yes!
- Higher graduation rates and college attendance? Yes!
- But the biggest difference in the philosophy or worldview of CCA is what we tell our students and it makes a world of difference in how they see themselves, and it gives purpose and meaning to the lives.
You might call this CCA Orientation 101
Where Did You Come From?
Why Are You Here?
What Are You Going to do With Your Life?
I. Where Were You Born?
I know how you answered and that is how I would have answered, but that is when you were born into time and space. You were born in the heart of God in eternity past. God told Jeremiah (Jer. 1:5) before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. In Ephesians 1:4, Paul wrote: “God hath chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.” Got that? God called you by name before He ever created this universe. OH, you existed in the heart of God from eternity past.
II. God Made You
The psalmist said, “It is He that hath made us and not we ourselves” (Psa. 100:3). Why are the blind permanently blind? Because we cannot make eyes, much less a person. God made you! No man made you. GOD MADE YOU!
III. God Owns You
The rest of that verse says, “We are His people.” In fact, we are twice God’s. He made us and He purchased us when Jesus paid for our sins on the cross. This is reality and if we live our lives with a consciousness of this it will be transformative. “Know ye not that you are bought with a price” (1 Cor. 6:20, 7:23).
IV. God Made You For a Reason and With a Purpose
- We have an occupation. The word occupation comes from the word occupy and refers to that which occupies most of our time, usually earning a living.
- However, God says that we have a vocation (Eph. 4:1).
- Vocation comes from the Greek word “Clay-sis” and refers to a divine calling that each of us has, a calling to, in some way, pour out our lives as a love offering to God by serving others, not for pay, but for God’s glory. In some cases we do get paid, but that is a secondary consideration. God’s glory, fulfilling our destiny, is our number one consideration. (Historically, this was called the Puritan work ethic.)
- How to know your calling? Forget passion or what you love doing. Look to God for direction, not your own heart. God directs our steps, leads us in right paths! Hence, Look for opportunity. Look for a need and meet it. Identify something that no one else wants to do, become very good at it, and you’ll never want for a job. Ask, “What can I do that others can’t?” Work hard at it and become very good at it. In time, you will develop a passion for it. And this is the pathway to becoming a success and likely be what God put you on this earth to do.
V. What God Has Called You To Do, He Has Equipped You To Do
- You can do more, than you think you can. You are smarter than you think you are. You know more than you think you know. A low estimation of what you are capable of is one of the most successful tools of Satan. The Bible says we are made only a little lower than the angels! You can do more, than you think you can. You are smarter than you think you are. You know more than you think you know.
- You have gifts and talents that are unique to you. It makes no sense to think God put you here to do something but did not give you the skill or tools needed to do it.
- In Exodus Chapters 30-36, God gives Moses specific instruction for the construction of the Tabernacle. God names specific individuals to Moses to whom He has given specific abilities such as carving, weaving, gold overlaying, and construction.
V. What God Has Called You To Do, He Has Equipped You To Do
- Joshua 1:9 and Psalm 1:1-2
- It makes no sense to think that God wants you to do something, but He wants you to fail at it.
- The Bible gives us laws that, if followed, will make a person a success. All the examples we need to succeed are right here in the Bible. Success has little to do with talent or IQ.
Four laws from the Bible for Success
- Hard Work | Six days shalt thou labor (Ten Commandments)
- Perseverance | Be not weary in well doing (Gal. 6:9).
The best musicians practice 10.000 hours per year. - Mentors | Everyone needs feedback from a trusted source and someone who is good at what you want to do well. Without counsel, a person fails. But with a multitude of counselors he succeeds (Proverbs 11:14).
- Integrity |
- “For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile” (1 Peter 3:10). People become better at what they stick with.
No one is defeated until they quit
Abraham Lincoln’s Great Example of Perseverance

VII. What God God wants you to be a servant leader. This is how to turn an occupation into a vocation! Called You To Do, He Has Equipped You To Do
- Empty your cup. God does not expect you to solve all problems, have all the answers, to fill everyone’s cup to overflow. No one expects that.
What He does expect you to do is to empty your cup, pour your life into those around you, to teach them all that you know. - Be an encourager. Everyone you meet is discouraged about something. On the road of life, we all experience one roadblock after another. That is the price of being alive. Be an encourager. Notice something about each person you meet and comment on it. Being noticed gives a person a boost.
- Three things people look for. Everyone you meet wants to know three things: do you value me; will you help me; can I trust you. Stop what you are doing, give others your undivided attention, give freely of your time even if you must miss a meeting or appointment. Reschedule if necessary. Nothing else will convince others you value them. If they need help, even if it is hard and demanding, help them expecting nothing in return. People are watching. They must know that you have compassion, are unselfish, and will sacrifice for others. The most important person to help is the janitor or whoever is at the bottom of the ladder. And above all, you must keep your word. If people cannot and do not trust you, you will have no influence and no followers.
- People will forget what you say and what you do, but they will never forget how you made them feel. People will like you and love you based upon how you make them feel when they are in your presence. You can get what you want if you will help enough others get what they want.
- Servant Leadership! Want to be a leader? Want to be a better leader? Before you leave home each morning, think about everyone whose path you will cross that day and ask, “How can I serve them in some way today? How can I encourage them, lighten their load, make their life better?” Repeat and practice that every day and you will have a following that will follow you the end of the world! Pleasure comes from what others do for you, but happiness comes from what do for others.